The Copyright owner: THE AUTHOR OF THE ORIGINAL WORK Generally the person who gives “expression to the ideas or information” i.e. The person who does the drawing even if it is a drawing of someone else’s ideas. Except An employee preparing drawings under the terms of employment does not own copyright. Government usually retains copyright.. read more →
IN BRIEF SO FAR No copyright exists in ideas or concepts Client does not own copyright Designer owns copyright in designs & drawings Designer licences the client to use the work CLIENTS SKETCHES Client owns copyright in the sketch Client provides licence for the designer to use the work for a purpose Designer owns copyright.. read more →
FROM A DESIGNER’S POINT OF VIEW Never knowingly copy the work of another copyright owner without specific written permission. Maintain quality files Obtain warranty & indemnity agreement from the client. Provide adequate warnings to clients regarding copyright This is really only toughing the surface. I will add more information over time. Be sure to check.. read more →
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